The Good Habits I'm going to make in 2020...

Hello beautiful people!
Welcome to the roaring 20's! (I am pushing this so hard can someone please throw me a Great Gatsby themed party for my 20th birthday please and thank you). I hope you all had a great Christmas, and New Year and that any of my fellow students out there are enjoying their winter break from Uni. Usually, at this time of year I come up with a crazy New Year's resolution like cutting out chocolate (I know- insane) , which I end up breaking within a week and drown my guilt with even more chocolate. Needless to say, this isn't a very healthy way of living.

This year is even more special in my opinion because it is the year I turn 20 (oh god) and the beginning of a new decade so I really want to come up with a plan I can stick to which is why I'm going to come up with a list of “good habits” to make this year - because 1) it sounds a lot nicer than a "resolution" and 2) habits are notoriously hard to break - so if i'm going to stick to anything its gotta be this right? ;)

My first good habit is to drink more water. I definitely don't drink enough at the moment, which is bad for anyone let alone a singer. So I'm going to try drinking a glass of water when I first wake up and then drinking two liters throughout the rest of the day - basically I'm going to be peeing non stop but my skin, my voice and my organs are definitely going to thank me, especially after the period of heavy drinking my poor liver has just gone through!

My second good habit is to start the day with yoga. I never leave myself time to properly wake up and stretch in the mornings, I usually do a vocal warm-up in the shower - and no I don’t just mean belting Maria Carey, I mean an actual warm up (followed by Mariah Carey) but more on this in the next post - my point is, I never do a physical stretch. My hope is that by doing this I will start the day with a light workout, and be both vocally and physically ready for my classes. Also it’d be nice for all my joints to stop clicking whenever I move and for my elderly back-pain to go away for a few more decades ;)

Dr Sues said “The more that you read, The more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” And you know what, I agree with you Doc,  so this year I’m gonna get my sh*t together (sorry for swearing so close to a Dr suess quote but I feel very passionate about this) and read more books. I have said many times before but reading is one of my greatest joys in life and I’m going to give myself the time this year to actually do some reading because I haven’t over the past 10 months or so - If anyone has any recommendations please let me know I typically love any YA fiction or thriller. 

And that’s it! Just three small things that are hopefully going to really improve my 2020, what 3 good habits are you guys going to make this year? Let me know in the comments! And I'll see you all next week. 

Liv xx


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