What I learnt doing the Chloe Ting Two Week shred...

During Lock-down I have gone through many different short lived "hobbies" to occupy my time. Deciding to follow the trend at first I tried my hand at being a baker and even made a pretty good looking banana bread, but I am not a born chef, plus I couldn't find flour anywhere (did anyone else have this problem or was it just my town where everyone apparently decided to start a small bakery from their kitchen?!) Next I tried to be the Couch-Potato but there is only so much Netflix and Disney+ a girl can watch without getting bored of confirming with Netflix that I am indeed still here after hour 8 of watching New Girl - I have a slight problem. And after a brief snacking phase which made me gain a couple pounds I stumbled across The Chloe Ting Two week shred and thought, how hard can it be? 

 I'm not a total newbie to fitness, I even have a gym membership - although I stopped going long before the gyms all had to close. My problem is I never find a plan to stick to, and I get discouraged early on meaning I never get to see any real progress. But when I found this Chloe Ting challenge that was only 2 weeks, but the people that had done it had seen real muscle definition and an increased fitness level by the end I knew it was perfect for me. 

 Going into Day 1 I was a little nervous but it was only 2 videos, even I could hack 20 minutes of exercise right? Well I was half right, I managed to finish the videos but I had to pause them SO MANY times to catch my breath and I really expected to look down and find a blazing six pack by how much my abs were burning by the end. It was so tiring but I knew I had to carry on - 1 day down, 13 to go. 

 Before I knew it, I was already on Day 7 and it was time to take my first comparison photo. I had decided at the beginning of this process that I wouldn't be tracking my weight as it's not an accurate measure when you are trying to lose fat and gain muscle (you would lose weight from losing fat sure but with the increased muscle that I was looking for you'd also gain some of the weight loss). So I decided that I would take a comparison photo every week and look at the physical changes. I wasn't expecting a massive change because it had only been a week right? Of course I was feeling physically so much more fitter and stronger and could complete the videos without stopping but it had only been a week. When I compared my day 7 photos to day 1 I was so shocked - there was a definite change. With the knowledge that what I was doing was working, I tried to push myself even harder and actually started to enjoy working out. 

Day 1

Day 7

 Things that I wish I had known at the beginning...

- To add in a warm-up and cool-down. It was a rookie mistake of mine on day one to not warm up or cool down and I definitely suffered because of this - my muscles were in AGONY. Since then I do a light yoga warm-up and stretches after the work out.  

- Go at your own pace - it's okay to stop the videos and take a quick breather, I think it is much better to pause the videos than to just do the exercises at 50% energy. 

- What you eat is SO important - I'm pretty sure the saying is 80% food and lifestyle 20% exercise. If you don't eat the right foods to nourish your body properly than I don't think you will see big results because your muscles aren't being given the right nutrients to grow. I have a blog post about some healthy breakfast ideas if you needed any inspo ;) The Breakfast Brunch

 Before I knew it I was already at day 14! And I went into that workout excited and full of energy, I think I went harder that day than any other so far in the program. As I was doing what felt like my 100th "up and down plank" I couldn't believe how much stronger I had become, don't get me wrong I still found the workouts challenging but I was enjoying the challenge rather than just suffering through it and I decided - after a few days to rest and just do light workouts and walking, that I would do the challenge again - starting today. Am I mad? Probably. But I am really enjoying exercising properly for the first time in a long while and I am curious to see what the results would be after doing the challenge twice. 

 If you decide to do this challenge for yourself let me know how it goes in the comments down below! Chloe Ting Two Week Shred

 The Final Results...

When looking at the final results, I can definitely see more definition and tightness in my abs, back and legs - which was my original goal. My waist is also more noticeably defined. So if you're thinking about trying this challenge for yourself, do it! If I can get through these 2 weeks so can you xoxo - Liv, the couch potato and now the home workout newbie. 

Day 1
Day 1

Day 14



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